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Hire PHP/MySQL Developers India

You can Hire a PHP Programmer, Dedicated PHP Programmers, from us according to your needs, on Monthly PHP Developement IndiaContract Hiring Basis.Our PHP platform with quality experience garnered over years assist you in web solutions that can meet your requirements.Our Dedicated PHP Programmer takes care of your dynamic web sites development, high-end e-commerce applications, content management system (CMS),portal development , any PHP based open source customization and much more using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) or WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) technologies.

whom you get hired?

Amar InfoTech's PHP developers/ programmers have a 4+ years of university education in IT/Comp. Sc. with average 2+ years of software development experience and having domain knowledge of your specific requirements.

Technical Skills

PHP 4.x and PHP 5.x and Upgrading to PHP 6 MySQL 4.x and MySQL 5.x PHP templating engines such as Smarty, PHPLib, etc.. PHP extensions like PEAR, phpDocumentor, etc.. Proficient in MVC framework: CakePHP, Zend Framework etc.. JavaScript libraries like jQuery , Ext JS and Prototype JS Object Oriented Programming concepts XML, Web Services, Deployment with PHP AJAX technologies, JSON, etc..

Domain Expertise

Customized e-commerce development CMS development/integration Social Network applications Portal Development Website integration, maintenance, and enhancement Website design and development

Work Schedule:

Monday - Friday, 11:00 am to 8:00 pm IST (+5:30 GMT)

Saturday, Sunday and Indian National Holidays.

What we Offer:

At least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and 160 Hours/Month of working.
As low as $1100 USD/Month
We provide a 90 days warranty on the application done by the Programmer.
By Phone, E-mail and Live Chat
Complete hardware & software resources and office infrastructure setup
Broadband & Leased Line
Experienced management team to manage group of dedicated software professionals.
Daily and weekly working reporting as per your need.
unconditional money back guarantee.

Get a test drive before you hire.

To get Quick Trial or want to get more information about our Hire PHP Developers services, contact us at info@concotech.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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If you’d like to talk to someone about our business and services, please call
+91 - 8460 366 366